Color Coordinated

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Maxwell Measuring

Included with Maxwell monitoring services

Measurement functions are provided by the Maxwell Client software

Our software adds unique benefits to each instrument we drive with:

Supported Instruments

  • X-Rite
    • i1 Pro 1&2
    • i1 Pro 3 & 3 Plus
    • iO 1&2 &3
    • iSis 1&2
    • eXact and eXact Scan (USB or Bluetooth)
  • Barbieri
    • Spectro LFP (USB)
    • Spectro LFPqb (USB or Ethernet)
    • SpectroPad (Maxwell only, USB or Wifi)
  • Konica Minolta MYIRO-9 (FD-9) (USB or Ethernet)
  • Techkon SpectroDens (USB or Wifi - Wifi and Windows access require TDservice app in Windows computer or VM)
  • Color Sentinel CSS-110 (Win only, USB or Bluetooth)

Allows full access to instrument capabilities including M0, M1, M2, M3 filtering, Reflective / Transmissive scans, Aperture Control and multiple measurements per patch (all depending on instrument features, of course)


(practically any target on any instrument)

Scans targets created by:

  • MeasureTool
  • ColorPort
  • i1Profiler
  • Barbieri Chart Generator

And they can be scanned with virtually any instrument (the iSis is a stickler for needing multiple items specified, so it requires a target created for the iSis - but! iSis targets can be scanned by virtually all other instruments)

Also, target definitions are shared between all CHROMiX applications and services, so Curve4, Curve+, ColorThink 4 and Maxwell all share the same scanning targets and moving between apps is easy.

MemoryScan (iO, LFP, MYIRO-9)

CHROMiX was the first to offer the innovative MemoryScan function (in June 2016) which recalls the position of prior targets for speedy multi-target scanning on iO, LFP/qb and MYIRO-9.

Use heavy tape (iO and LFP) to mark target positions and measuring becomes as fast as placing a trimmed target and hitting the space bar!

Corner Aiming (LFP)

The Barbieri Spectro LFP and LFPqb typically require users to aim the instrument at points 17.5 mm lower than the top edge of the target. Targets specifically made for scanning on the LFP have these markings, but many others do not.

In order to have the flexibility you need, we added the option to use the normal target corners for aiming. Now it's easy to scan any target on an LFP/qb without having a ruler and sharpie pen in hand.

Target Rotating (measure in any orientation)

Sometimes rotating a target 90 or 180 degrees makes scanning much easier:

  • Hand-held instruments like i1Pro, eXact and SpectroDens are often easier to use across a target in a specific direction
  • Sheet scanners like the iSis and MYIRO-9 often scan targets in the portrait orientation but table scanners like the iO and LFP need them in landscape.
  • The MYIRO-9 needs a target to have a sizable border on its trailing edge - feeding it an iSis target upside down often works better.
  • Some heatmap-style targets are wide and will only fit into a scanner rotated 90 degrees from the direction it passed through the printer. Rotating makes it easy to scan and once scanned, it's displayed in the correct orientation.
For these and any other reasons, we built target rotation into our measurement software. Simply click the left or right rotation buttons until the target on screen matches how you want to measure it. The arrangement of the scanned patches will match the original target definition file's layout, so no other adjustments are required.

Feed-And-Fly Autorouting

Maxwell's AutoRouting feature saves time and drastically reduces errors. Marking iSis and MYIRO-9 targets with bar codes allows for the Maxwell Client to be placed into AutoScan mode. The scanning instrument then sits at-the-ready for an operator to simply feed it a target.

Everything the Client needs to scan the target is downloaded from the Maxwell servers, the target is scanned, and the results returned to the operator. No keystrokes or mouse clicks are required.

Place-Anywhere QR Codes (MYIRO-9)

The MYIRO-9 (FD-9) can detect QR codes, and Maxwell takes advatage to route measurements. We implemented our own version of the function to allow for the QR code to appear anywhere on a target - much more useful when placing QR codes on targets that are also to be scanned on an iSis.

Reverse-Order Row Scanning (i1 Pro)

When hand scanning targets row-by-row, our tools allow scanning from the bottom row up, ensuring the scanning instrument (and ruler in some cases) will not mark un-measured rows.

On-Instrument Reporting (eXact, SpectroPad)

CHROMiX was the first to offer On-Instrument Reporting (in April 2018) which sends Maxwell verification results directly to the eXact's screen (including wirelessly).

The Barbieri SpectroPad is fully integrated with Maxwell, synchronizing Maxwell settings to the 'Pad and gathering the results back into Maxwell Tracks and Jobs. The 'Pad reports its results on-screen immediately as well.

MeasureWatch Control and Verify

Implementing support for modern instruments within a company can be tricky.

Customers need to control the aperture, reflective / transmissive scan mode, M-series filtration and other features to ensure each measurement is gathered and recorded correctly. MeasureWatch Control benefits range from intelligent default behaviors - like ensuring that production measurements automatically configure the instrument to match reference colors - to powerful management control - such as locking out instruments that don't provide the required M-series measurements (in Maxwell Client)

MeasureWatch Control features are included with all of our measurement tools in Curve, Curve+, ColorThink 4 and Maxwell. We felt these control capabilities were too important to leave to chance so they're built into every measurement we make.

MeasureWatch Verify, Maxwell's instrument verification service launched in December 2011, enables instrument verification and trending by measuring a Color Reference Material target. CRMs including reference measurements can conform to ISO-9001 and reduce the need for expensive instrument re-certification.

Flexible Connections

At CHROMiX we like to get along with others and our software shows it.

Our software typically won't connect to an instrument until the measurement process begins. It's also simple to disconnect from instruments and leave the software running. This makes it easy to use instruments in other software while still running our apps. This seems like reasonable basic behavior though you'll be surprised to find how many other applications aren't this friendly.

Maxwell Client Downloads

Please Note: Maxwell is a web-based system, primarily accessed through your web browser. The Maxwell Client application is only required when driving color instruments, routing measurment files and profiling with ColorValet.

Maxwell Client is available for measuring color, verifying instruments, routing files, gathering sensor measurements and printing profiling targets for Maxwell color services and ColorValet profiling services.

An active Maxwell account is required to open the Maxwell Client software and it is licensed only for use with Maxwell and ColorValet services.

  • Maxwell Client

    • v5.8.6
    • Released: 2023-08-02

    64bit - Mac OS X 10.10-10.15 Catalina, 11/Big Sur, 12/Monterey, 13/Ventura, 14/Sonoma, 15/Sequoia Intel Processor, and M1-M4 via Rosetta2

  • Maxwell Client (beta)

    • v5.9.0 b32
    • Released: 2024-11-04

    64bit - Mac OS X 10.10-10.15 Catalina, 11/Big Sur, 12/Monterey, 13/Ventura, 14/Sonoma, 15/Sequoia Intel Processor, and M1-M4 via Rosetta2

  • Maxwell Client

    • v5.8.6.2
    • Released: 2023-08-04

    Win 7/8/10/11 64bit Min display size: 1024x768

  • Maxwell Client (beta)

    • v5.9.0 b32
    • Released: 2024-11-04

    Win 7/8/10/11 64bit Min display size: 1024x768