ColorThink 4 - the Best now Better

Version 4 adds tons of features and thoroughly modernizes the industry's best color graphing and analytics tool while retaining its familiar interface.


Probably the biggest addition and longest awaited feature is direct instrument measuring within ColorThink 4. Compatible with most current mainstream measuring instruments, ColorThink 4 senses a connected instrument automatically, adding it to the icon bar. If you start measuring directly from the icon bar, the results are dropped into a new worksheet. If you start measuring in the Grapher, the results are dropped right into the graph. Easy enough?. Full details here

Gamut Comparison

(available with the Pro license level)
Calibration Run
Also highly anticipated is the ability to analyze and compare two gamuts. ColorThink 4 uses gamut subtraction and/or addition to create an entirely new kind of graph. For example: When sRGB and a press profile are compared, ColorThink 4 subtracts the portion of the press profile that is left outside of sRGB. This is a very clear illustration of the colors on press that are unavailable if sRGB is your working space. The compare function can reverse the subtraction, so the press profile is subtracted from the sRGB gamut. You can also select the shared gamut to be shown in addition to the fully combined gamut. The Plot Item inspector shows the gamut volumes of each of the two original gamuts as well as the comparison volume. The gamut comparison index or GCI is also an easy number to relate to and is calculated in accordance to the ISO standard.

Image Animation

(available with all license levels)
Blend Tool

ColorThink 4 has an exciting new way of displaying images in the grapher. Images load in their normal form and smoothly animate between the normal display form and the Lab values of the image colors in the grapher. The embedded profile is easily selected to show in wireframe form, illustrating how the image colors all fit within the gamut of its embedded profile. This feature alone will wow your audience and help get their head into color faster than any previous visualization!

Color Assets

(available with all license levels)
Calibration Run
This is a huge benefit for many color folks that have a zillion profiles and related files in various places. ColorThink 4 organizes all Color Assets, including profiles that are installed in your system plus other assets that are located wherever you store them.
Filter them by the kind of asset, the color space of the asset or even arbitrary text.
ColorThink harvests tons of meta-data about each asset type, including primary colors, asset type, color space, gamut volume and various size parameters and even the max density value Dmax. Then you can sort by these values to find the largest gamut profile or the paper with the lowest Dmax. There is so much power in the organizational benefits of the new Color Assets that you'll just have to see for yourself. This feature will save literally hours of search time.

White Point Editor

(available with PrePress Pack license level)

One new tool in ColorThink 4 is the White Point Editor. Modifying the white point in an ICC profile is a handy way to alter the appearance of proofs as well as other functions. The new White Point Editor is very flexible, where you can enter XYZ, Lab or correlated color temperature values. You can also drag and drop a list of colors or another ICC profile into the editor and the white point of those will be used to modify the original profile's white point. It's a simple click and direct measurement from your color instrument to sample a real world paper color and change your profile's white point to that color. Very powerful.

LCH Mode

(available with all license levels)
Calibration Run
Another effective coordinate space which unfolds profiles and other data sets is LCH. Color hue, which normally goes around the color wheel like hands of a clock is stretched out into a straight line. ColorThink 4 graphs in LCH allowing you to evaluate your color from a very different perspective. With this view the relative saturation or chroma of each of the colors is now easily compared because they're viewed across a straight line. Alternate color spaces like Jab and OKLab can also be used in this mode so you can see how they affect the saturation to become a lot more regular.

Delta-E blobs

(available with Pro license level)
Blend Tool

The color difference calculations we know as delta E can be difficult to explain. ColorThink 4 can illustrate the idea of Delta E as a blobs or spheres around colors. The Delta E 76 and Delta E 2000 have very different perspectives and shapes relating to closeness distance of color aims. ColorThink 4 will help with this understanding. You can change the plotting coordinates from Lab to Jab or other modes to see how it affects these color differencing shapes.

Feature Comparison

License Level
Tools / Features Photo Pro Measure
Color Asset Management
Color Asset stats are calculated and cached for speednew
Additional Items (user folders)newmax 5
XML profile import/exportnew
"Live Medic" results reporting*new
Ad-hoc Medic repairs*new
Medic repairs outside of installednew
Profile Medic
Diagnose profiles installed in the system
Diagnose profiles & other files installed outside systemnew
Fix profiles installed in the system
Fix profiles installed outside the system*new
ProfileID now verified for v4 profilesnew
Graph Control / Overall
Graphing Spaces - Lab, Yxy, Luv
Perceptually-Uniform Spaces: Jab, OKLabnew
Orthographic viewnew
LCH & Z-axis rotationnew
Views (1-9 views, 0 and R)new
Slicer: horiz, shade, rings
Vertical Slicernew
Plot items
Plotting Lab, RGB and CMYK profiles and data
Plotting nColor profiles and data
Integrated Measuring*new
Comparison: A-B, B-A, A&B, A+Bnew
Gamut volumes and GCI (Gamut Comparison Index)*new
dE blobsnew
Image as points:
Animation between image & colornew
As color data
Image as vectors: (when in color data mode)
Profile plotted as points:
Gamut surface, prim(&)sec, device neutrals
Gamut girdlesnew
Gamut girdle level controlnew
Profile plotted as Surface:
Re-built gamut surface calculationnew
nColor gamut surfacenew
ISO resolution, 2.5% and 50%new
Rendered gamut (intent)new
Profile Inspector
Opening all profiles except demo nColor
Opening nColor profiles
Apply ProfileMedic to individual profiles*new
ISO std volume calcsnew
Tag List
White Point Editornew
Dragging of tags between profiles
Tag hex viewnew
ICC tag reference databasenew
Black Point Compensation (BPC) intent optionsnew
TVI (dot gain) Curves
ProfileID now calculated (and verified) for v4 profilesnew
Opening all profiles, images and data except nColor
Opening nColor profiles & data
Black Point Compensation (BPC) intents availablenew
ColorCast™ profile creation
DLP (device link profile) creation
Abstract (abst) Profile creation
Improved target layout
Color Lists
Remap list white point (SCCA)new
Patch tuningnew
List editing/splicing/selecting w/ other lists
Reorder, append, subtract, remove dupesnew
Loading & Saving CxF formatnew
Measuring & Instrument Support
Measuring into Lab, RGB & CMYK Targetsnew
Measuring into nColor Targetsnew
Supported Instrumentsnew
i1 Pro 1/2/3/+ supportnew
iO 1/2/3new
iSis 1/2new
LFP / LFPqbnew
Myiro-9 (FD-9)new
Full Quicklink/URL link into CTnew
URL image download & opennew
Improved & Expanded guidesnew
Integration with Maxwell
Link into CT
Download & open files from within Maxwellnew
Select and download MX objectsnew
Loading / saving CxF filesnew
Reference Colornew
Sample & Stunt Filesimpr
Not all of ColorThink 4's features are listed in this table.
Its primary purpose is to show the differences between the available licensing levels.
   = the most exciting new features
new = features new to ColorThink 4
   * = hover pointer over text (or tap) for more information

ColorThink Measuring

i1Pro 1/2/3/+ support is included with Photo and Pro licenses. All other instruments are unlocked by the MeasurePack license on ColorThink version 4

Measurement functions are integrated directly into the Worksheet, Graphing and White Point Editor

Our software adds unique benefits to each instrument we drive with:

Supported Instruments

  • X-Rite
    • i1 Pro 1&2
    • i1 Pro 3 & 3 Plus
    • iO 1&2 &3
    • iSis 1&2
    • eXact and eXact Scan (USB or Bluetooth)
  • Barbieri
    • Spectro LFP (USB)
    • Spectro LFPqb (USB or Ethernet)
  • Konica Minolta MYIRO-9 (FD-9) (USB or Ethernet)
  • Techkon SpectroDens (USB or Wifi - Wifi and Windows access require TDservice app in Windows computer or VM)
  • Color Sentinel CSS-110 (Win only, USB or Bluetooth)

Allows full access to instrument capabilities including M0, M1, M2, M3 filtering, Reflective / Transmissive scans, Aperture Control and multiple measurements per patch (all depending on instrument features, of course)


(practically any target on any instrument)

Scans targets created by:

  • MeasureTool
  • ColorPort
  • i1Profiler
  • Barbieri Chart Generator

And they can be scanned with virtually any instrument (the iSis is a stickler for needing multiple items specified, so it requires a target created for the iSis - but! iSis targets can be scanned by virtually all other instruments)

Also, target definitions are shared between all CHROMiX applications and services, so Curve4, Curve+, ColorThink 4 and Maxwell all share the same scanning targets and moving between apps is easy.

MemoryScan (iO, LFP, MYIRO-9)

CHROMiX was the first to offer the innovative MemoryScan function (in June 2016) which recalls the position of prior targets for speedy multi-target scanning on iO, LFP/qb and MYIRO-9.

Use heavy tape (iO and LFP) to mark target positions and measuring becomes as fast as placing a trimmed target and hitting the space bar!

Corner Aiming (LFP)

The Barbieri Spectro LFP and LFPqb typically require users to aim the instrument at points 17.5 mm lower than the top edge of the target. Targets specifically made for scanning on the LFP have these markings, but many others do not.

In order to have the flexibility you need, we added the option to use the normal target corners for aiming. Now it's easy to scan any target on an LFP/qb without having a ruler and sharpie pen in hand.

Target Rotating (measure in any orientation)

Sometimes rotating a target 90 or 180 degrees makes scanning much easier:

  • Hand-held instruments like i1Pro, eXact and SpectroDens are often easier to use across a target in a specific direction
  • Sheet scanners like the iSis and MYIRO-9 often scan targets in the portrait orientation but table scanners like the iO and LFP need them in landscape.
  • The MYIRO-9 needs a target to have a sizable border on its trailing edge - feeding it an iSis target upside down often works better.
  • Some heatmap-style targets are wide and will only fit into a scanner rotated 90 degrees from the direction it passed through the printer. Rotating makes it easy to scan and once scanned, it's displayed in the correct orientation.
For these and any other reasons, we built target rotation into our measurement software. Simply click the left or right rotation buttons until the target on screen matches how you want to measure it. The arrangement of the scanned patches will match the original target definition file's layout, so no other adjustments are required.

Reverse-Order Row Scanning (i1 Pro)

When hand scanning targets row-by-row, our tools allow scanning from the bottom row up, ensuring the scanning instrument (and ruler in some cases) will not mark un-measured rows.

MeasureWatch Control and Verify

Implementing support for modern instruments within a company can be tricky.

Customers need to control the aperture, reflective / transmissive scan mode, M-series filtration and other features to ensure each measurement is gathered and recorded correctly. MeasureWatch Control benefits range from intelligent default behaviors - like ensuring that production measurements automatically configure the instrument to match reference colors - to powerful management control - such as locking out instruments that don't provide the required M-series measurements (in Maxwell Client)

MeasureWatch Control features are included with all of our measurement tools in Curve, Curve+, ColorThink 4 and Maxwell. We felt these control capabilities were too important to leave to chance so they're built into every measurement we make.

MeasureWatch Verify, Maxwell's instrument verification service launched in December 2011, enables instrument verification and trending by measuring a Color Reference Material target. CRMs including reference measurements can conform to ISO-9001 and reduce the need for expensive instrument re-certification.

Flexible Connections

At CHROMiX we like to get along with others and our software shows it.

Our software typically won't connect to an instrument until the measurement process begins. It's also simple to disconnect from instruments and leave the software running. This makes it easy to use instruments in other software while still running our apps. This seems like reasonable basic behavior though you'll be surprised to find how many other applications aren't this friendly.

ColorThink Downloads

ColorThink is available for download for demonstration or licensed use.

With serial numbers ColorThink is unlocked for partial or full use of all modules.

Without a serial number ColorThink will run for an unlimited time in a limited demonstration mode that allows navigation of the modules but will restrict opening and graphing to the included demo (SWOP, sRGB) profiles.

ColorThink 4 is a single download and licenses will unlock Photo or Pro levels. Additional MeasurePack and PrePressPack modules can be unlocked with bundled licenses or after-sale upgrade module codes.

  • ColorThink

    • v4.0.1
    • Released: 2025-01-13

    64bit - Mac OS X 10.10-10.15 Catalina, 11/Big Sur, 12/Monterey, 13/Ventura, 14/Sonoma, 15/Sequoia Intel Processor, and M1-M4 via Rosetta2

  • ColorThink

    • v4.0.1
    • Released: 2025-01-15

    (corrected installer now actually contains 4.0.1) Win 10/11 64bit Min display size: 1024x768

  • ColorThink Pro

    • v3.0.9
    • Released: 2021-10-09

    64bit - Mac OS X 10.10 - 10.15 Catalina, 11/Big Sur, 12/Monterey, 13/Ventura, 14/Sonoma, 15/Sequoia Intel Processor, and M1-M4 via Rosetta2 Min display size: 1024x768

  • ColorThink Pro

    • v3.0.5
    • Released: 2018-10-25

    (Win XP SP2+, Win7-11 32bit)

  • ColorThink

    • v2.3.4
    • Released: 2019-07-02

    Universal Binary (PPC / Intel - 32bit) - Mac OSX: 10.5 - 10.14

  • ColorThink

    • v2.3.3
    • Released: 2019-02-27

    (Win XP SP2+, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Win 11)