Announcing... Digital PressWatch
CHROMiX is proud to announce Digital PressWatch, a new Maxwell-powered service. Digital PressWatch was designed within the capable Maxwell cloud service to provide digital printers the kind of QA controls traditional web and sheet-fed printers take for granted. And then go much further. Digital PressWatch provides tools for viewing, monitoring and reporting the performance of each and every digital press.... from a web browser. Essential tasks like verification, pass/fail reporting and trending relative to a print standard are core to its functionality.
Furthermore.... Digital PressWatch also has some unique aspects:
- Full sheet analysis
- Meta data gathering
- Auto target scanning
- Auto target routing
- Real-time feedback & clear reports
- Longer term trending & analysis
- And.... very exciting to many users, Digital PressWatch has a visual detection "heat map" where a press operator can immediately see if a press has problems and (in most cases) what the problems is! This heat map can be viewed on a monitor or printed.
Supporting its value, in a 2008 study, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) did a comprehensive study of digital printing, and discovered that the top 3 problems customers complained about concerned print uniformity. Digital PressWatch solves the problem of detecting these issues early in the process. Digital PressWatch is the only early detection system of its kind.
CHROMiX announced and demonstrated Digital PressWatch at GraphExpo Chicago 2011 in September. Steve Upton and Rick Hatmaker were in the X-Rite Booth 3448 presenting to show goers. CHROMiX release
Digital PressWatch is priced at $999 for a single digital press per year, or $2499 for 3 presses per year. Pricing for other press quantities available. Great i1iSis+Digital PressWatch bundles are also available. Call CHROMiX Sales at (866) CHROMiX, (866) 247-6649