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C H R O M i X C O L O R N E W S
Issue # 38
July 14th, 2009
Table of Contents
1. CHROMiX News - Maxwell, ColorValet Pro & ColorWiki
2. Shows and Events
3. Color Industry News
4. EIZO's EasyPIX- an article by Patrick Herold
5. CHROMiX Open Box items for sale
6. ColorNews Administration (feedback, subscriptions, etc.)
MAXWELL & ColorShuttle Update:
The Pass/Fail beta testing in Maxwell (implemented via ColorShuttle software) is going well. Fixing things as we go along, we appreciate the valuable feedback from our users and beta testers.
As an overview, here are the latest features:
- Immediate print verification with Pass/Fail calculations and reporting in ColorShuttle client
- Pass/Fail Reporting and Labeling
- Customizable Labels
- Long Term Trending Reporting & Graphing
- Notification of Tolerance Failures
- Streamlined measurement process (4 clicks from measure to label)
For complete Maxwell product information, go to maxwell.com
If you'd like to register for a free one month trial Track, email us at
Find out for yourself how easy it is to use, and how much time and money it can save you.
For users, check out the ColorForums.com discussion area for Maxwell and ColorShuttle!
ColorValet Pro versus ColorValet Print
Both Mac and Windows versions of ColorShuttle 3.1 (the ColorValet Pro client software) are in late beta testing and going extremely well. Thanks to all our early users and beta testers.
As an overview of ColorValet Pro ($199 for 18 months):
- UNLIMITED profiles for ONE RGB-controlled printer
- Access to other profiles for your printer via ColorPool
- A free Maxwell Track for 1 paper
- A quick and easy-to-use submission target for the 'Tracked' paper
- Trending Report for the 'Tracked' paper for performance or conformance
- Email Notification of Tolerance Failure for the 'Tracked' paper
The final versions of ColorValet Pro and ColorPool access will be available very soon after this final beta testing period. However, if you buy now or before the final commercial version is released, you will receive a 10% discount (Net price $179). That's a savings of $20. Also, if you buy now, you will be able to start making profiles early by volunteering to help us finish the beta testing of ColorValet Pro and ColorPool. Your 18 month period won't begin until the final version is released.
For more information about ColorValet Pro see Ad below or go to: ColorValetPro
The website includes a comprehensive FAQ that should answer all your questions. We've also created a matrix to help differentiate between ColorValet Print and ColorValet Pro ColorValet Pro vs. Print
ColorWiki on-line encyclopedic color reference (hosted by CHROMiX):
In a recent Shutterbug blog, David B. Brooks shares a thoughtful perspective about color management and makes a kind observation about ColorWiki's usefulness... so, we thought we would modestly share it with you: shutterbug.com
Well, not so modest perhaps.
The ColorWiki website is becoming quite popular as a standard resource and reference point for many people, and CHROMiX continues to expand information that we supply to the ColorWiki, almost daily. Did you know that you too can contribute information to ColorWiki? If you see ColorWiki areas lacking information, you can contribute your knowledge and let others benefit.
Many users have found the Reserved Articles and the Glossary areas particularly useful. Check it out: colorwiki.com
CHROMiX Bench Reviews:
CHROMiX has tested the new EIZO FlexScan S2242W LCD monitor (List $899). In addition to other calibration products, we tested the S2242W with EIZO's new EasyPIX calibration software bundled with EIZO's new EX-1 calibration instrument (Bundle List is $189). Our results? Wow! For the money, the S2242W will be hard to beat on many levels at this price range against any mid-range/intermediate product including Dell, Apple or HP.
The review is listed on the ColorWiki at: Eizo S2242W review
PRICE MATCHING POLICY: Through the years, many people have purchased 3rd party color management products from CHROMiX because of the additional value that CHROMiX provides (pre-sales advice, post-sales help, support, and a fabulous sense of humor). In most cases, we've been able to price match (or come close) if asked. We never want price to be an issue if you want to buy from CHROMiX. In an effort to make this policy more visible, we've added a 'Price Matching Policy' star burst near the price for most 3rd party items for sale on our website. If you have any questions, call us toll free at (866) CHROMiX, ext 1.
July 20th-21st, Total Immersion: VDP Taking it to the Next Level, Pittsburgh, PA, 2 days hands-on training and planning strategies to take VDP to the next level. Presented by David Zwang and Julie Shaffer of Printing Industries of America. For more: Total Immersion VDP
August 6th, 2009, The Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group Portland Chapter presents NUREG, LLC: An international perspective on color, production workflows and how these affect interaction with global customers. NUREG has an interesting story to tell www.nureg.com . Join us at this FREE event at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall by 6:30 PM, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland, OR for CMUG's annual summer event (beer involved!). RSVP at CMUG events
September 11th-16th, 2009, GASC presents PRINT 09 or myPrint 09, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL. www.gasc.org
September 24th, 2009, The Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group Portland Chapter presents Tyler Boley: Bringing traditional photography standards into the digital age. Event to held at 6:30 PM at The Oregonian, Portland, OR. Members $10, non-members $20. For RSVP and more information: pnwcmug.com/events
Not posted yet.
September 30th - November 1st, 2009, IDEAlliance presents the 25th Annual Conference on MarkUp & XML at the Hilton Arlington, Arlington, VA. For more information: IDEAlliance.org/conferences
October 1st-3rd, 2009, Photoshop World Conference and Expo, Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, NV. photoshopworld.com
November 18th, 2009, The Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group, Seattle WA Chapter presents Barry Haynes: Photoshop with Bridge and Photoshop actions to automate color correction tasks and other Production Tips. Event to held at 6:30 PM somewhere in Seattle, WA To Be Determined. Members $10, non-members $20. For RSVP and more information: pnwcmug.com/events/seattle
Not posted yet.
November 19th, 2009, The Pacific Northwest Color Management Users Group, Portland OR Chapter presents Barry Haynes discussing Photoshop with Bridge and Photoshop actions to automate color correction tasks and other Production Tips. Event to held at 6:30 PM at The Oregonian, Portland, OR. Members $10, non-members $20. For RSVP and more information: pnwcmug.com/events/portland
Not posted yet.
December 6th-8th, 2009, Printing Industries of America (PIA) presents the 11th Annual Color Management Conference, The Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Phoenix, AZ. Attendees include beginners to experts for this ALL color management only conference. New this year: a Full Digital Track (color management for printers) produced by the Digital Printing Council, a Pre-Conference Session focusing on color management processes for sheetfed, flexography, web printers, and finally a Pre-Conference Annual Off-Site Photo Shoot for both beginners and experts.
For more details or to register Color Management Conference
January 18th-20th, 2010, Premedia Spectrum 2.0, at the Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Club, Naples, Fla. This event is a merging of the Gravure Association of America's Premedia conference and IDEAlliance's Spectrum360 conference. This new event addresses the convergence of premedia across multichannel digital supply chains.
WhatTheyThink Article: Whattheythink.com
February 25th-27th, 2010, Graphics of the Americas, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami, FL. Presented by GAIN. graphicsoftheamericas.com
Color, Product & Industry News
Kodak has discontinued Kodachrome. Sad day indeed.
NEC has introduced a new 43" 'Curved' viewing LCD screen. We don't know how color accurate the CRV43 model may be, but NEC seems to be targeting those who require a wider visual experience, for a mere ~$8k! Check it out: www.necdisplay.com
Microsoft is forging ahead with Windows 7 and planning a release in the near future. Its still unclear as to exactly how legacy OS's will be dealt with, however, Microsoft has high hopes for Windows 7 and seems to be pouring lots of energy and resources into it. At CHROMiX we are keeping an eye out for changes to expect regarding color management issues in the new OS. We'll keep you up to date as we learn more. To Download a Release Candidate version : microsoft.com/windows7
Google says it will rollout an open source, lightweight operating system, initially targeting netbooks or mini-notebook PCs. Possibly relating to color management, we'll watch this one with interest. A full perspective: echannelline.com
Forum TOPICS, Random Findings, Recommended Readings, Etc.:
Print CEO's comments about R.R. Donnelley's Bid for Quebecor World
Pantone Variation discussion on PrintPlanet:
Pantone variation
Recommended reading: A Color Management Handbook: A Practical Guide
by authors Dr. Richard M. Adams II, Dr. Abhay Sharma, Joseph J. Suffoleto
Color Management Handbook
Designer Jinsun Park from Korea has come out with a simple *concept* tool called Color Picker PEN. This is quite innovative:
Color Picker Pen
New Graphic Arts Lighting System Introduced at Cal Poly
new graphic arts lighting
Special sensors in fibers for Clothes that could one day take pictures of everything happening around the wearer.
Take pictures with clothes
130 Megapixel digital camera? Apparently a Japanese amateur photographer created this ingenius camera out of parts from an Epson scanner and a Canon camera lens.
130 MP digital camera
Terri Stone of CreativePro found a cool website for color analysis of another website (for color blindness and other disability viewing):
And here's the actual website:
Technical Alert for Remote Director & Apple OS Customers:
Apple launched its 10.5.7 Mac OS X update to customers early in May. The new update is said to provide general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac. Integrated Color Solutions (ICS) has now completed its compatibility assessment of this operating system update, and confirmed that Remote Director v3.6.1 operates without performance or functionality impact when installed on OS X10.5.7. As such, Remote Director users can proceed with this operating system update as needed.
However, with regard to the recently announced Snow Leopard BETA, ICS does -not- recommend upgrading to this operating system at this time. Remote Director compatibility testing will not be conducted until late 3rd Quarter 2009 i.e. just prior to the scheduled Snow Leopard release in September. If you have questions or concerns, please contact ICS Technical Support at
This Month's Feature Article:
Two of the most popular articles we have written recently have been ColorNews Issue 24 -How Do I Get My Printer To Match My Screen, and ColorNews Issue #31 - My Printer Is Too Dark Both of these articles deal with the issue of getting a printer's output to match what people are seeing on their display. To this day I am still referring people to these articles frequently because people continue to struggle with this issue.
With the proliferation of these new, brighter LCD displays, a lot of innocent consumers are suddenly finding that what worked on their old CRT isn't getting the results they expect. Nothing seems to look right, or their prints are come out "dark" by comparison with the screen. You can find yourself in this situation even if you are using good profiles, and following good procedures for using your profiles.
Assuming that your printer profiles are accurate, the easiest solution would lie in adjusting the monitor for color, and particularly for brightness. Numbers are thrown around in various internet forums. "If your prints are too dark, calibrate your monitor to 120." This advice might work for one person and not for another.
Joe Photographer:
Can't somebody come up with a simple way to get a printer and monitor to match? Without having to coordinate 5 different pieces of software? Without having to read a book on the subject? Or glean info from 10 different internet sites?
Well, what you want is perfectly understandable but unfortunately impossible. You see, printers and monitors are very different devices and reproduce colors in different ways. Each has its own gamut and some colors reproducible on one device are not reproducible on the other and vise-versa.
Joe Photographer:
Yeah, yeah. I suppose so. But I'm not looking for scientific accuracy, I'm just looking for them to, you know, look the same. I know I used to be able to match things pretty well, so I know that such a thing is possible.
Of course! Anything is possible. All you need is a 16-color Pantone press, and a $25,000 Spectroradiometer and a......
Joe Photographer:
Forget it.
In reality.....
Yes, it is possible. Considering that the canned profiles from printer manufacturers are getting better these days, the display is often the weak link. And to make a solution that is a simple, all-in-one software product, and to have it actually work - it would require a display manufacturer to come up with it.
Eizo EasyPIX
Eizo has a new software program called EasyPIX. This walks you through a simple procedure which is sort of a software version of the "white paper test" that we referred to in our articles. It is a very simple, 1 or 2-page procedure. It does not involve plugging in any numbers, your eyes are the final determiner of what looks right, and the hardware device makes sure that the scaling of color is done properly. You end up with an ICC-profiled monitor that produces accurate color and should match your prints very closely. Also, since the best conditions for matching prints is often too dark for regular internet surfing and other uses, the software has two other modes which can be switched to very easily: "Photo Viewing Mode" and "Web Viewing Mode".
This software is able to give Joe Photographer just what he needs: A simple product that is easy to use, works well, and does not cost too much. In order for this to work, you have to have some kind of human observer going through the white paper test.
In order for this to work well, you need it to interface seemlessly with an LCD monitor with built-in graphics capabilities so that any reduction in brightness will not result in color banding. In order for this to be easy, nobody should have to fiddle with OSB buttons on the front of the monitor to try to change RGB sliders or contrast or brightness. The EasyPIX does all this, and the cost including the colorimeter is less than $200.
Here's how it works.
When the program opens, click on the "Adjust your monitor" button. You have a choice between 3 purposes for adjusting your monitor:
This is for getting your monitor to look like something else, presumably a print.
In this mode, you are given a representation of a white piece of paper on the screen. Compare this screen image with a blank, white, piece of your actual printing paper. Click on the color-wheel to change the tint of the screen. Keep experimenting as needed until you get the screen image of the paper to match the color of your real paper. Do the same with the brightness slider. Adjust the brightness of the screen paper up or down until it matches the brightness of your sheet of paper. This can be a little tricky since our eyes get confused trying to compare emissive light (from the display) with reflective light (from the paper).
Once you have the adjustment looking good, click Next to proceed to the Measurement step. Attach the Eizo EX-1 colorimeter to your display and click "Next" to start the measurement. The software presents 24 different colors to the screen where the EX-1 measures them. It's getting information on what colors the monitor is capable of displaying. When through, it will roll this information into a monitor profile.
In the final step, you will give your monitor "adjustment" a name. You might make one for matching prints and call it "for Print Proofing". You might make one for browsing through your images and call it "images optimized." You have the option of saving up to 3 different viewing purposes. Once saved, you can click on any of them when you open into the first screen, and it will instantly revert your monitor to the perfect settings you have saved for your purposes.
Other modes:
Viewing Photos
This is the option to choose if you want to look at your photos on your display, in all their glory. Here, you'll want to see everything about your images that your display can show: Bright and vivid colors, subtle gradations of shadow detail. You want the pictures to look bright, but not so bright that it makes it uncomfortable to view.
In this mode you are given the ability to adjust the brightness of the display. The color tint is set to 5500 K, a common color temperature for digital cameras.
General use such as Web browsing
Here is a third option for the situation where you are just doing everyday work on your computer, such as web browsing, word processing, looking at emails, etc. You don't always want to have your screen be so bright as when you're viewing photos. Highest brightness levels tend to shorten the lifespan of an LCD, so this general purpose mode is good for conserving lamp life and power.
In this mode you are given the ability to adjust the brightness of the display and the color tint is set to 6500 K.
You can use these 3 modes to customize your 3 favorite viewing conditions, and save them so you can choose any one of them when you first open the program. That makes it very easy to pop back and forth between different viewing modes at will.
Don't forget to tell them that this software makes a 4kb ICC version 2.2 matrix profile, using 24 colored patches. And the computer's graphics card look-up tables become flat-lined while the monitor's internal graphics handles the change in color. Automatic DDC capabilities handle the dimming of the backlight to reach the brightness aim.
What's the catch?
I'm sure you figured this out already, but the EasyPIX software only works with Eizo displays. All the recent CE and CG series displays work with this software as well as some of the less-expensive Flexscan models, including the new wide-gamut Flexscan S2242W, mentioned earlier in this newsletter.
Thanks for reading,
Patrick Herold
CHROMiX Tech Support / Lab Operations
Don't forget, you can discuss this article and anything else from this newsletter in ColorForums.com:
There is much more information on these subjects in our ColorNews archives in previous articles and color management myths, so check out the Reserved Articles section of www.colorwiki.com for more information.
ColorNews Administration (feedback, subscriptions, etc.)
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FEEDBACK and FAQs - ColorNews (this publication) has its own forum on ColorForums.com. Each issue of this newsletter tends to prompt responses from our readers and we often don't have enough time to respond to everyone (sorry!). So we created a discussion area on ColorForums.com so anyone can ask questions, make suggestions, take issue with our prognostications or whatever. Come on by and have a chat! www.colorforums.com/viewforum
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Entire Contents of CHROMiX ColorNews (c)2009 CHROMiX, Inc. CHROMiX, Maxwell, ColorThink, ColorNews, ColorSmarts, ColorGear, ColorForums and ProfileCentral.com are trademarks of CHROMiX Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. CHROMiX ColorNews is intended as an informative update to CHROMiX customers and business associates. We are not responsible for errors or omissions. You may not copy or reuse any content from this newsletter without written permission from CHROMiX, Inc.