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CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black

SmartNote: 29
Type: Term
ColorGeek factor: unrated
The four colors commonly used in process color printing. Black is added to CMY to enhance the density of dark areas and solve gray balance problems encountered when trying to make neutral grays with CMY alone.

The letters stand for:

C: Cyan
M: Magenta
Y: Yellow
K: Key Color (which is usually black)

See Also

Term: Subtractive primaries
Term: Process color

Society for Information Display

SmartNote: 290
Type: WebSite
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"...Who We Are...
The 6000 members of SID are professionals in all of the technical and business disciplines that relate to display research, design, manufacturing, applications, marketing, and sales. Each member belongs to the SID chapter of his or her choice. We invite you to join us in developing and manufacturing the displays for the 21st century, and applying them to exciting information, telecommunications, medical, commercial, government, entertainment, and consumer products...."

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International Society for Optical Engineering

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Photographic Manufacturers Association International

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Inter-Society Color Council

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Type: WebSite
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"...The ISCC is the principal professional society in the field of color in the United States, encompassing the arts, sciences and industry, pursuant to the Aims and Purposes described here. Other national organizations with an interest in color are Member-Bodies of the Council and appoint delegations to participate in the Council's work. Individual members are the largest single group...."

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Graphic Communication Association

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Type: WebSite
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American National Standards Institute - ANSI

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Vision Science at NASA

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